Success in Rebuilding one's life through community partnerships

Apr 30, 2024

by Geriann Armstrong

Program Manager

The Way Out Bridge Housing Center

The Salvation Army Spokane

I met Daniel almost 5 years ago when The Salvation Army's Way Out Bridge Housing Center in Spokane, WA, was the COVID Shelter. At that time, he was not actively using and was super helpful and about 100 pounds heavier.

Daniel did not find housing out of The Way Out Center and moved over to the Cannon Street Shelter when we closed. When Cannon closed Daniel moved to the Trent shelter as one of our first guests.

We had been reaching out to Daniel for about 12 months before Daniel agreed to move over to the new Way Out Center and give us a try right before the freezing temperatures hit in January. At this time Daniel was using Meth to survive.

In January, within 2 weeks of moving in, Daniel had a heart attack, had open heart surgery, and was saved by the wonderful hospital staff at Sacred Heart. After being discharged, Daniel returned to The Way Out Center to heal and continue his life.

Depression set in and Daniel took the opportunity to go to the Termon Peer Respite House for a week to relax and regroup. He remembered living in an apartment with your own space, cooking your own meals, and setting your own routine. Once returning to The Way Out Center he was more determined to obtain permanent housing.

In late February, Daniel, working with his Revive Worker, located an apartment he wanted to apply for which is income-based in a neighborhood he felt he could live comfortably. He applied for the apartment only to be denied due to an unlawful camping charge and Failure to Appear Warrant. The Way Out Center staff contacted the Community Court Community Partners and asked if they could help. Daniel was terrified of appearing in court and being taken to jail.

When we shared all the progress that Daniel had made and what we needed assistance with the legal team at Community Court not only squashed the warrant but were able to get the charges completely dismissed altogether!

Daniel's next step today is to take the dismissal to the apartment complex to appeal the denial and hopefully be granted the apartment he applied for.

This is a true wrap-around service of community partnerships working together!

If you would like to help provide a second chance for an adult seeking change, please consider donating a gift today to The Way Out Center. Please visit, and click the 'Donate To This Community' button in the top red bar.

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